Local School Council Meetings
The LSC holds regular monthly meetings during the school year on the (TBD) each month.. Notice of meetings and agendas are posted on the community board outside of the main office and the main door. All staff, parents, and community members are invited to attend LSC meetings. You may communicate with LSC members personally or by placing notes in their mailboxes located in the front office. Minutes of all LSC meetings are maintained by the LSC secretary and are available for public review.
The LSC holds regular monthly meetings during the school year on the (TBD) each month.. Notice of meetings and agendas are posted on the community board outside of the main office and the main door. All staff, parents, and community members are invited to attend LSC meetings. You may communicate with LSC members personally or by placing notes in their mailboxes located in the front office. Minutes of all LSC meetings are maintained by the LSC secretary and are available for public review.